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sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2007

Birmania off cat

Origin and History according to legend, existed in a temple a white cat, of for the length, that was the accompanying fidiciary office of a priest. When this died, assassinated for invaders, the cat jumped for top of the body of its owner and there it was, to prevent that somebody was come close. At this moment, its pelagem was being cream color. The golden eyes had become blue and the legs, nose, ears and tail, blue - cinereous. But the four feet, that were in contact with the body of the deceased, had remained white. After this, all the other cats created in the temples had been equal it. To that everything indicates, the Sacred one of the Birmânia descends of the cats that were venerated as deuses in the Buddhist temples of the Birmânia (current Myanmar), in Asia, century XV. The priests believed that the fidiciary offices returned to the Land in the form of cats. He has some descriptions of the arrival of the first units of the race to the Europe. One of them was when a good-looking Sacred pregnant woman of the Birmânia, coming in a ship for France, only survivor of all the cats that they had embarked, it came for 1920 return, and thus had been crossed the cats consanguineamente or with other races to improve it. The modern race was established by "Bad Wong", a Sacred one of the Birmânia - led for U.S.A. in 1930 - that was crossed with a Siamês. It is probable that it has had posterior importations of the Birmânia. But the fact is that in 1936 the race already if becomes enough pure to be recognized in U.S.A.. In France, the race was officially recognized in 1952. The French selecting had included in the descent the blood of the Siameses and the white Persians, this last responsible one for the soft and semilong pelagem of the Sacred one of the Birmânia. The history of the race, that divergiu during the last half of the decade of 1940, produced two distinct types of Sacred of the Birmânia: the English cat has a more eastern transport, and the American is more robust. General appearance: they are cats of long coat, showing legs always white (the "gloves"), healthful, muscular, with balanced movement. The pelagem not form we, nor clusters (with exception of the region of the abdomen). The females (ideal weight from 3 kg arriving 5kg, without making look like to be fat person) are well lesser of that the males (that they can arrive 8kg, without making look like to be fat person). The tail is carried erect. Behavior and character: They are not aggressive, they adore the company of human beings and quickly get used with the habits of all the family and also they are adaptam easily to other animals; they are animal sufficiently calm and docile. Adaptam easily in closed, ideal environments for apartments. Head: Fort, of average size and rounded off format; sight of profile, longer than wide. The strong jaws, the chin, developed good and the cheeks, salient. Nose: prolongated, with the nostrils pointing with respect to low; rosada.O can present pigmentação Roman nose is the ideal, without stop, or little marked. Ears: the length is approximately equal to the width in the insertion. The tips round are lnseridas moderately moved away and provided well with tufos of coats. Eyes: rounded off, lightly amendoados, great, always blue (of the preference well dark, most intense possible), independently of the color of the pelagem. Inserted distantes.*É relatively also accepted the blue coloration tending to the lilac, that is raríssima. Neck: of average, well muscular length. Body: With strong, rectangular ossatura. Tail: of average length, in ratio with the body, they form a pen Size: Of medium the great one. Pelagem: of average length for long, silky texture. The necklace is desirable, especially in the males. Less thick from the one than of the Persians, not form we e, therefore, excuses the frequent escovações very. To the being touched with the closed eyes it must give the sensation of pure silk. Lacks: White points in the dark tips, dark spots in the abdomen and womb, high gloves excessively. Colors: Currently we have 40 more common colors in its excessively variações.As are: The Seal (initial color of the Sacred one), the Blue, the Chocolate and the Lilac.Há some years we had the controversial greater for the acceptance of the Lynx gene and Red, that is not original of the race, or either, had been necessary crossings with other races to bring this gene to the Sagrado.Além of the basic colors, has them in the Tortie (a mesclada basic color with the cream), the Lynx (in stripes) and the Torbie (Tortie Tabby). General Cares: Escovações weekly, to prevent the formation of balls of for (folders also can be used that serve for these biweekly or monthly fim);Banhos if they make necessários;Em general is a strong cat, but as all the race cats, must take all the doses of vaccines and strengthen all year. Feeding: We recommend the use of dry Ration, high quality. Peculiarities: The Sacred ones of the Birmânia, for being cats "ColorPoint", as well as the siameses, are born white, and only in some weeks we can start to see the color of the cat, depending on the marking... Therefore, the clubs recommend that the cat has between 1 and ½ and 3 to effect the register, but exactly thus the color continues to become gloomy up to one 2 years of age.

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